Getting Involved



PTSO only collects cash donations once a year. PTSO also only receives funding from parents to ensure early events in the school year.


Go to meetings

Meetings are held the second Thursday of every month from 1-2 PM in the MTCHS Conference room and are also posted in the Calendar


Serve as an officer

New officers have been elected!

PTSO Donations

Every dollar Helps!

Ensure activities and events are funded

Ensure scholarships, activities, and events are funded



  • Meetings are from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM at the school on the second Thursday of the month.
  • Meeting Dates: See Calendar.
  • MTCHS PTSO supports only 200 students and 21 staff
  • PTSO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
  • Comprised of parents, teachers, and students at MTCHS
  • Access the PTSO Meeting Notes
  • PTSO Facebook.
    PTSO Facebook is not endorsed by MTCHS and is not subject to school information quality, privacy, security and related guidelines.

The PTSO survives solely on the one-time donation during registration. If you are able to donate know that your funds return directly to the school in order to support student activities, parent teacher conferences, and capital improvements to the school itself. We are also looking for PTSO board members.  The time commitment required is small, but your impact is large.


  • President: Emily Macvie
  • E-mail:
  • Vice President: Karen Prosser
  • Secretary: Kristin Veltri
  • Treasurer: Daniel Neddo
  • Web Coordinator: Angie Miller


  • Student Government President: Rhys Jordan
  • Student Government Vice President: Tess Campbell


  • The Responsibilities of the following roles are very minimal and training will be provided.
  • Usual time required outside of meetings is 1 to 2 hours monthly.
  • Secretary – Document meeting minutes
  • Treasurer – Document/present the budget, Write checks, Provide checking/savings status
  • Web Coordinator – Upload final agendas, minutes and event reports to PTSO webpage (school provides technical support).