MTCHS staff members had a blast delivering a surprise gift to our graduating seniors yesterday!  All of their lawns have now sprouted these signs, proclaiming to one and all that a Class of 2020 Dragon is graduating!  Congratulations Dragons!

Many thanks to senior mom and designer Becca Lehman for helping make this happen!  We can say without any bias whatsoever that these are the most gorgeous lawn signs in town!  Anyone who wishes to get more of them can contact her directly through Expressions By Design, 208-629-8319.

We would love to have a picture of your senior with their sign, which we are putting into a photo album on Facebook!  Please send pics to Mrs. Claflin at

Graduation will take place on Friday, June 19.  We are keeping it very limited in size, with every effort to maintain proper social distancing and safety requirements.  Families have been notified with the details.