by Code Intern | Jun 5, 2020 | Archive
The Facebook album for 2020 grads is live and ready to admire! Go give it some love! A great big thank-you to all who have contributed so far! We will be adding more pictures as...
by Code Intern | Jun 4, 2020 | Archive
Congratulations to the MTCHS SkillsUSA Chapter! We were informed this week that they have received the 2020 Chapter of Distinction Award from SkillsUSA! This national award recognizes the leadership, personal and technical skills, and workplace readiness of the...
by Code Intern | Jun 3, 2020 | Archive
MTCHS staff members had a blast delivering a surprise gift to our graduating seniors yesterday! All of their lawns have now sprouted these signs, proclaiming to one and all that a Class of 2020 Dragon is graduating! Congratulations Dragons! Many thanks to senior mom...
by Code Intern | Jun 2, 2020 | Archive
Meridian Technical Charter High School wishes to congratulate graduating senior Beckett Bodell. Beckett is the first student from MTCHS to earn both his associate degree from BSU and high school diploma at the same time. Great job on this amazing accomplishment,...
by Code Intern | May 22, 2020 | Archive
Congratulations Dragons! So many of you have risen above the challenges the last two months have brought and have successfully completed the 2019-2020 school year! We’re very proud of your hard work and stellar efforts! MTCHS will be open for students during...