by Mora Claflin | Nov 30, 2018 | Archive
Thursday, December 6 is Professional Dress Day for all students. Freshmen and Sophomores will be going on field trips to local tech businesses and colleges. Students will need to either bring a sack lunch or money for lunch, or they can request school lunch ahead...
by Mora Claflin | Nov 16, 2018 | Archive
We are proud to introduce “Sources of Strength,” an international suicide prevention program funded by a grant from the Idaho Lives Project. Eleven MTCHS and nine MMACHS students have teamed up with advisors Mary Helen Green and Melissa Bishop on a...
by Mora Claflin | Nov 16, 2018 | Archive
MTCHS will be closed for Thanksgiving Break on November 19 – 23. We would like to wish all of our families safe travelling, great food, and a holiday filled with joy, love, and thankfulness.
by Mora Claflin | Nov 9, 2018 | Archive
MTCHS would like to thank all of our honored guests for your presence at this morning’s Veterans Day Assembly! Our veterans are so important to us, and cannot be thanked enough for their service to us and to our country. Special thanks to guest speaker and Army...
by Mora Claflin | Nov 1, 2018 | Archive
MTCHS will hold our annual Veterans Day Assembly at the school on Friday November 9th from 8:00 am to 9:00 am. We will be honoring veterans and active duty members of the Armed Services. Student Government is inviting any parents or family members from our community...