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VEX Robotics

The MTCHS Vex Robotics club prepares their robot for competition at the recent tournament at Caldwell High School.

Winter Holiday

Winter Break begins on Friday, December 22 and school returns on January 8, 2018! Have a safe and happy holiday season!

Candy Grams!

Student Government members made reindeer-candy cane Candy Grams last week.  They will be selling them for 50 cents today, Tuesday, and Wednesday at lunchtime.  Students can surprise their friends or have one delivered with an anonymous message during lunch on...

Holiday Baskets

A message from Mrs. Merrell: MTCHS, Thank you!  My heart is very full of gratitude today.  I can barely express my appreciation for your generosity in words, but I will try.  Thank you! We were able to create 11 baskets of  complete holiday dinners; each with a $20...

Amazon Smiles

Want to support MTCHS? Love shopping online? Good news, you can support MTCHS just by shopping online. Simply go to and click the Amazon logo in the top right portion of your screen. We get money for clickthrough traffic. Next, you will go to login to...