Frequently Asked Questions

Can students use the West Ada School District Bus System?
Yes, transportation is provided through the West Ada Transit System (WATS). The information is available on the West Ada website or call the West Ada School District Transportation Dept. at (208) 855-4500.
Are lunch services available? Where and who do we pay?
Lunch services are available next door at Meridian Medical Arts Charter High School through West Ada School District. Breakfast is available before school. If you have a Titan account with West Ada, that will follow you to MTCHS. You can make payments to your account online at or send a check with your student to give to the cafeteria staff at MMACHS. More information about the nutrition program can be found on the West Ada School District’s website at Free and Reduced Lunch Forms will also be available at registration and on the West Ada Schools District’s website.
What supplies are required for my student?
- For Math 3 students and above, scientific calculator (Bring a minimum of a TI-83)
- Pens, pencils, paper
- Binder with dividers or expando file (Student preference)
- Headset with 3.5mm or USB connection
- At least one professional dress outfit for professional dress days
- Slacks or skirt(no denim)
- Dress shoes (no sports shoes or sandals)
- Polo or Collared Shirt
- Dress for business, not a date; traditional, conservative business dress is expected.
- Dress socks & belt to match outfit
What are professional dress days?
Professional dress days occur once a month. On these days students wear professional clothing to prepare them for future interviews. Students will be graded according to a professional dress rubric. If you want to learn more about the professional dress rubric please visit our website.
What software would be helpful for my student to have on a home computer?
Students are not required to have any software at home. Other software needs depend on the student’s interest.
What software is available through the school?
The school participates in the Azure for Education program which allows students at MTCHS free access to software such as Microsoft Server, and Microsoft Dev Tools. Students will also have access to Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft Office 365.
What type of electronics/computers may the student bring to school?
Students will be issued a school laptop and carrying case to use at school and at home for all assignments. Students may bring other personal electronics and cell phones as long as they are put away during class time and do not interfere with their academic progress. Students may use personal devices when allowed by the teacher for special purposes. The school is not responsible for the loss of any personal property.
What activities are available?
- STOR: SkillsUSA, Esports, Robotics (See your Tech Teacher)
- Technical Skill Training Sessions
- State and Local Competitions
- Leadership Training Opportunities
- Student Government
- National Honor Society
- Home High School Activities/Athletics (Contact your home high school for details)
What are the school hours?
7:45 AM to 2:10 PM
What type of extra help and computer access will students have after school hours?
Students should contact individual teachers to arrange a time for specific help. There is an Open Lab schedule each year that includes lunch, before and after school times.
What are the attendance requirements and how do parents report an absence?
Students are allowed 30 hours of absence per semester. Any event that is not school related counts for this time. This includes doctor’s appointments, illness, etc. School events at home high schools count as school related events and are excused. Parents are required to report student absences by emailing, or texting 208-288-2928
Do I keep or turn in the laptop I have at the end of 8th grade?
Please turn in the assigned laptop at the end of 8th grade. MTCHS will issue laptops and carrying cases which will be checked out to students the first day of school. It is the student’s responsibility to take care of these laptops. Device protection plans are available through the Registration link.