One of our favorite events of the year is the Student Government Holiday Basket Drive. Each December, every first period classroom pulls out all the stops to make the best basket ever to donate to a local family in need. It’s fun, competitive, and we end up with some amazing, beautiful baskets! Sadly, with COVID restrictions, it seemed like our basket drive would be cancelled this year.
HOWEVER… never underestimate the creativity and determination of the MTCHS Student Government! They are bringing Holiday Baskets back with a twist! We are now taking online donations for the food bank. Each homeroom has a goal of $50, and hope for so much more! To donate, go to the MTCHS homepage, click the green dollar symbol in the top right and click donate or pay money to MTCHS. You will then put in your amount and select Student Government in the dropdown menu. Put the student’s name and first period teacher’s name in the text box. Or scan the QR code to go straight to the donation link. Our DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18! The homeroom with the best donations will win extra time for one of their lunch periods!
Thanks to our Dragon community for your help in keeping the Holiday Basket Drive alive!