National Honor Society Photos
MTCHS National Honor Society students helped create the "Christmas at Dragon`s Keep" tree for this year`s Festival of Trees in Boise! They stayed after school making dragon egg ornaments and NHS student Riley worked extra hard on a highly detailed mother dragon that wound around the tree, protecting her nest of babies! The tree won first place and raised $2100 for the fight against cancer! Thank you to the Harvey-Sermon family for including NHS in this project!
#nationalhonorsociety #mtchsidaho #mtchsService
Festival of Trees Boise

Happy Halloween! Our day started with National Honor Society students handing out Boo-Grams! Boo-Grams are funny, thoughtful, or sweet messages sent from one student to another, sometimes accompanied by candy! NHS has been selling these for the last two weeks, and had fun handing them out today!
#mtchsIdaho #nationalhonorsociety

We`re so proud to announce our new inductees to Shen Long, the MTCHS Chapter of National Honor Society! Chapter members are sophomore, junior, and senior students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher who exhibit qualities of leadership and service. Sixteen students became new members last Thursday! Congratulations Max, Gabe, Carsen, Rylee, Rhys, Vlad, Andrew, Cody, Jacob, Nicole, Owen, Titus, Steven, Brady, Ty, and Kian! #nationalhonorsociety