During the past few weeks we have had a number of sick students. The following is the policy of MTCHS and West Ada concerning how to decide if you should keep your sick student home for the day:
Fever greater than 100.0 degrees: A fever lets us know that our body is fighting something off. We are contagious during this time and need rest. Students should be fever free for at least 24 hours, without fever reducing medication, before returning to school.
Vomiting and/or diarrhea: Students should stay home for 24 hours to make sure they can keep food/liquids down.
Sore throat with a fever greater than 100.0 degrees: Students should stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication. If they are diagnosed with Strep throat, then they should stay home until they have been on the antibiotics for 24 hours.
Excessive coughing that produces thick mucous: Students should stay home if they are coughing so much it keeps them from participating in class or disrupts their classmates, or they are coughing so hard it is causing vomiting.
Students who are missing school should get on Moodle when they are feeling well enough to focus and check on homework.  If they have any questions concerning their assignments, they are to email their teachers.
Parents, please call the office at 208-288-2928 to let Mrs. Claflin know that your student will be absent for the day. Thank you!