Student Government has many exciting events taking place in the next few weeks that you and your student should be aware.


Breast Cancer Awareness Day- May 6th

Student Government is organizing a Breast Cancer Awareness Day on the 6th of May. All MTCHS students are encouraged to wear pink.  Students will be given a pink carnation and a fact card with 3-5 facts about breast cancer. Also, we will be taking a picture with everyone in their pink that will be posted on our Facebook page.  We would appreciate some help purchasing the carnations; please make donations directly to the school or through the school website. We have raised $100, and we need about $125 more!


End of Year Party- May 6th

​Student Government is hosting the MTCHS​ End of Year Party ​and it is going to be awesome! This year we are going to Wahooz Fun Zone! The date is May 6, from 6PM – 9:30PM, but you are welcome to stay as long as you like. Our package includes 3 hours of Unlimited Indoor and Outdoor fun, 3 slices of pizza, and refillable drinks. The pizza and drinks are only for the specified eating time 7-7:30. The tickets cost $25 a person. Students can invite friends from another school.

​Tickets can be purchased during lunch at the school store through May 6th, or online (service fees apply). Tickets will not be sold at the door; so be sure to purchase them early.


End of Year Talent Show- Auditions May 3 & 4; Show  May 13

On Senior’s last day, May 13, we hold our annual Talent Show.  Auditions will be held after school on May 3 & 4.   Whether your talent is singing, dancing, playing an instrument, or something that no one has ever done before, we want to see it!

The PTSO very generously provides the awards for the event.   1st place $50, 2nd place $30, and 3rd place $20 gift cards to Amazon.


Student Government Elections- May 9

Student Government elections for the 2016-2017 school year will be held on Monday May 9th.  For students to participate they must have a 3.00 GPA and be in good standings.  If you think your student would make a good addition to this organization please encourage them to start attending Student Government meetings every Tuesday in Mrs. Merrell’s room at lunch.  There will be a mandatory meeting for all candidates on Tuesday May 3rd.  We elect four students from each grade level.  We do not do campaigning with posters or speeches, but students are encouraged to begin talking with the student body to announce their intentions and interests for this position.

Student Government is an excellent addition to any job, scholarship, or college application due the leadership and communications skills built.


Thank you,


Emalee Merrell

Lee Eyerman

Student Government Advisers